Maureen and Murray


Maureen teaches nursing and she would like it if kidney donation became as common as blood donation.

In 2015, at the age of 51, Maureen realized she fit the criteria for being a live kidney donor. Kidney disease runs in Murray’s family. He was diagnosed with kidney disease in 1996. By the age of 41 Murray, father of 2, needed a transplant. (His brother died of kidney disease in 2016).

People come together through random events. Luckily for Murray, Maureen learned of his need, and rather than donating anonymously as planned, she shared a kidney with him. On July 13, 2015, Murray became a successful transplant recipient. Four and a half years later, he is thriving and living a full and healthy life. Maureen wants people to know that you do not have to be a particular blood type or an exact donor match to save a life. If you give a kidney to the “pool” through the paired donation program, 3 or 4 lives can be saved by matching appropriate donors and recipients. She also wants to point out that there is no age limit for donating. It certainly has not slowed her down!

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Jalisa Chandani


Tiffany Bell