Kayla Meeking


Mysteriously, Kayla’s kidneys failed when she was 22 years old, with no previous sign anything was wrong.

Overnight her life changed - she started peridialysis immediately and went on the transplant list.

She continued her full-time studies at UBC with her mom’s support. She reached out on Instagram, and the Kidney Donor Assessment clinic finally had to ask her to archive the post as they had such a large response they could not process all the volunteers at once.

In March of 2019 she got the news of a confirmed match – her friend for life had tested without her knowing. In May, 3 days after semester end, she got her new kidney. She turned 24 in June and is currently finishing her last year of a Social Work degree.

There is no mystery as to why so many people emerged to help Kayla. She is awed by the depth of beauty around her, and eternally grateful for the enriched life experience this gift has provided her. There are many more beautiful lives to save. Learn more about kidney donation here:


It's that easy.


Marcela Clark


Jalisa Chandani