Kate and Brian


Kate had to face the reality that she might never be able to have a family.

She was diagnosed with IGA nephropathy in 2011 and did her best to control her disease with lifestyle and diet. Her health remained stable up to 2016 and her medical team was positive around the idea that she might be able to have a child before she needed a transplant.

 Kate and her partner Brian decided to get married in September of 2016, and because her health was deteriorating, it became apparent there was no chance of starting a family before a transplant. They began the search for a living donor through word of mouth and FaceBook, but ultimately, Brian knew that he would step up when the time came.

 And that is what he did. On September 6, 2017, Brian gave a kidney to Kate, and 3 weeks later, on their 1st wedding anniversary, they completed the Vancouver Kidney Walk.

 There is a good ending to their story. Kate and Brian are very happily awaiting the arrival of their first baby in summer 2020!


Christine McDonald


Emma Gosselin