Imran Paul Mall


Although Imran looks like a big healthy man, he has lived with several chronic conditions for 26 years.

He was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in 1993, and for the next 12 years, the medical care he received in Pakistan was not optimal – no medical follow-ups, no test strips, blood work only every six months. He feels the most damage to his body happened then. 

By 2004, while living and working in Dubai, he had developed hypertension, which affected his kidneys (CKD), eyes and feet. He says the medical care there was much better.

Imran now lives in Canada with his wife and 2 daughters. Apart from his small family, he doesn’t have an extensive support system in his new country. Three people from his church kindly offered to donate, but none qualified. He is very thankful for the health care that he receives, which he describes as amazing. Besides all his challenges, including PD dialysis, he works full time. His kidney function is 10% and his blood type is O . . . and he waits.


Tiffany Bell


Saul and Carol Zachs